Fire & Safety

MountainView Terrace Fire Bulletin

In lieu of the fire alarm incident at Bldg 2, some residents have questioned what the procedure should be when there is a fire alarm. Should they stay in their suites or should they leave the building. The Board has consulted with the Calgary Fire Department and they have provided us with some of the information that will answer these concerns.

First of all, it is not a requirement of a condo building this size to have regular fire drills. it is the sole responsibility of each and everyone at MVT Condos to plan a fire evacuation plan ahead of time. It is important to plane two different escape routes. For example, you may not be able to exit your designated area via the emergency exits, therefore you may need to plan to escape through a window or go out onto your patio. Always ensure the doors is closed behind you. It is important to know where the fire alarms are located as well as fire extinguishers and exit doors.

If you have a mobility problem and can't get down the stairs:

  • You should stay in your suite

  • Call Emergency @ 911

  • Give your name, address and suite #

  • Let them know that there is a fire and that you are unable to get down the stairs due to your disability.

When the fire alarms sound:

  • The "Fire Doors" in your wing will automatically close

  • Always assume there is a real fire

  • Never try to use the elevators when there is a fire (unless instructed to by the fire department)

  • Proceed to the nearest exit in your "fire corridor"

  • Meet at "Muster Station" (Garbage Garage)

Evacuation is appropriate under the following circumstances:

  • As soon as possible when you hear a fire alarm or discover a fire

  • When the fire is in your suite

  • When the fire is on your floor or the floor below you.

You should stay in your suite :

  • When you encounter smoke in the corridor on your floor

  • If you encounter smoke in the exit stairs

  • If the fire department instructs you to stay in your suite

  • If you are physically unable to use the stairs

For further information please read the attached "To Go or To Stay", City of Calgary Fire Department - Fire Inspections & Investigations, or visit


MVT Fire Evacuation Plan

Fire Safety Plan Site Specific Checklist

Building Owners’ Responsibilities

Procedures for Mobility Impaired Persons

Fire in Your Residential Building